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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Kalender Akademik Semester Genap 2009/2010

Berikut jadwal kalender akademik semester genap 2009/2010 berdasarkan Buku Pedoman Umum Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Tahun Akademik 2009/2010 yang didapatkan oleh Kandank Ilmu dari SBA.

1. Herregistrasi Mahasiswa :
Masa Pembayaran Her Registrasi Melalui Bank : 25 - 29 Januari 2010
Batas Akhir Pengajuan Cuti Akademik, Undur Diri : 19 Februari 2010
2. Masa Bimbingan Akademik / Perwalian : 1 - 4 Februari 2010
3. Masa Perkuliahan : 8 Februari - 28 Mei 2010
4. Batas Akhir Penyerahan dan Penayangan Data Roster Perkuliahan : 22 Februari 2010
5. Wisuda Gelombang II TA 2009/2010 : 23 - 25 Februari 2010
6. Batas Akhir Perubahan KRS : 19 Februari 2010
7. Ujian Tengah Semester : 5 - 16 April 2010
8. Keputusan Status Mahasiswa : 30 April 2010
9. Wisuda Gelombang III TA 2009/2010 : 26 - 28 Mei 2010
10. Minggu Tenang UAS : 31 Mei - 4 Juni 2010
11. Ujian Akhir Semester : 7 - 18 Juni 2010
12. Masa Pengumuman Ujian : 21 - 29 Juni 2010
13. Semester Alih Tahun (SAT) :
Masa Bimbingan Akademik Mahasiswa / Perwalian : 25 - 29 Juni 2010
Masa Pembayaran Registrasi : 30 Juni - 2 Juli 2010
Masa Perkuliahan : 5 Juli - 29 Agustus 2010
14. Masa Liburan / COOP / KKNM / English Course Luar Negeri : 5 Juli - 29 Agustus 2010
15. Laporan Self Assesment : 28 Juli 2010
16. Keputusan Pemutusan Studi : 1 Juli 2010
17. Batas Akhir Semester Genap : 29 Juni 2010

* Jadwal bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu tergantung dari keputusan Universitas Padjadjaran

Kandank Ilmu Team

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Informasi Kolokium Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

Pelaksanaan Kolokium

Tempat : Ruang B1 (Multimedia Room)
Tanggal : Kamis, 28 Januari 2010
Waktu : 08.00-selesai (Kompre Test & Kolokium)

Daftar peserta Kolokium Kamis, 28 Januari 2010:

  1. Nicky Juliandika - B1B050010
  2. Ine Marlinawati - 120210060022
  3. Doddis Suryawan - B1B040010
  4. Taufan Irfandiar - B1B04007
  5. Lidyana Arifah - B1B04126
  6. Gita Junaedi - 120210060147
  7. Muhammad Reza Pahlevi - B1B050042
Info tambahan:
  1. Setiap peserta kolokium diberi waktu masing-masing untuk presentasi selama 5 menit, dengan konten presentasi yaitu Latar Belakang, Masalah, Metode dan Hasil.
  2. Setelah setiap peserta presentasi, maka setiap peserta diberi waktu masing-masing 5 menit untuk tanya jawab.
  3. Penonton kolokium adalah seluruh mahasiswa IESP (terbuka untuk umum).
  4. Penilaian penampilan akan diberikan oleh Dosen Pembimbing.
  5. Penilaian bukan penentu boleh/ tidaknya mengikuti sidang.
  6. Pakaian yang dikenakan adalah pakaian sopan, rapi, layaknya sidang.
  7. Peserta diharapkan kedatangannya pukul 08.00 untuk persiapan acara.
  8. Urutan peserta Kolokium yang akan tampil, akan diundi pada saat persiapan acara.
  9. Sifat Kolokium ini adalah wajib bagi mahasiswa yang akan mengadakan sidang.
  10. Khusus untuk angkatan 2006, akan ada Writing Comprehensive Test dengan total 2 soal (1 mikro & 1 makro) dengan total waktu 1 jam dan dimulai pada pukul 08.00 pagi di ruangan B1.
Kandank Ilmu Team

Monday, January 25, 2010

Pembayaran Herregistrasi Mahasiswa Semester Genap 2009/2010

Berdasarkan informasi yang tertera di lembar tagihan yang disediakan oleh website Unpad tentang proses pembayaran herregistrasi semester genap 2009/2010.

Berikut ini bank-bank yang melayani proses pembayaran herregistrasi semester genap 2009/2010;
  1. Bank Mandiri : ATM
  2. BRI : ATM
  3. Bank Jabar Banten : ATM, Teller
  4. Bank Niaga : ATM, Teller
  5. Bank BTN : Teller
  6. Bank BNI : Teller
Untuk mengetahui nomor tagihan silahkan log in ke situs lebih lanjut.

Kandank Ilmu Team

Youth Forum 2010, Geneva, Switzerland, 28 June - 1 July 2010

This is message from Global Humanitarian Forum - Youth Forum about Youth Forum 2010 Competition;

Well, we can finally announce with great pleasure that there will be a Youth Forum 2010! From 28 June – 1 July 2010 the second edition of the annual centre piece event of the GHF’s Youth Forum will take place in Geneva, Switzerland.

We vividly remember the words of Kofi Annan, President of the Global Humanitarian Forum, finishing his speech at the GHF’s inaugural Youth Forum, which took place in Geneva last June: “Share this experience with young people back home. Set up groups that can replicate what you are doing here and share the findings with your friends here today, and it will snowball”.

And it did snowball! It is incredible to see what great ambassadors the participants of the inaugural Youth Forum were, spreading the spirit of the event, and how many new young people got interested and engaged in the activities of the GHF’s Youth Forum.

This is why we decided to extend the number of invited participants to the Youth Forum 2010 from 100 to 150, to prolong the duration of the event from three to four days, and to diversify our entry-competition!

Entry-competition? Yes, in order to be selected as a participant to the Youth Forum 2010 we ask you to engage in our entry-competition, submitting an answer to one of four questions by text, video, audio, photo or whatever means you want to use! Your submission does not have to be very professional, nor very long; all we want is to see that you are motivated to participate at the Youth Forum 2010.

The entry-competition opens on 1 February 2010, and that day you will find all necessary information for the competition on

So get your camera ready, prepare your tape recorder or sharpen your pencil! We are looking forward to your submission!

Kandank Ilmu Team

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2010 Essay Competition by World Bank + Video Competition

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Essay Competition 2010

The World Bank International Essay Competition 2010

Background ; Youth Unemployment

WANTED: Your Practical Ideas

Current world population includes an estimated 1.2 billion young people between the ages of 15 and 24 years, which is about 24.7% of the world’s working age population. Worldwide youth unemployment is high, almost three times higher than the adult unemployment rate. With the economic downturn, the worldwide youth unemployment is expected to reach 15% in 2009 (International Labor Organization, 2008). In certain parts of the world, i.e., Sub-Saharan Africa, youth unemployment rates can be as high as 60%. More than one third of the young people in the world are unemployed, have completely given up looking for a job or are working but still living below the $2 a day poverty line (ILO), or have migrated. Young job seekers face increasing difficulties finding work in the current economic scenario.

How can youths be part of the solution?

The Essay Competition 2010 invites youths to share ideas on:

How can you tackle youth unemployment through youth-led solutions?

Please answer both questions:

1. How does youth unemployment affect you, your country, town or local community?

2. What can you do, working together with your peers, to find a sustainable solution for job seekers through youth entrepreneurship? Think specifically about the barriers youths face in the labor market and how to tackle difficulties in accessing capital for business startups.

We encourage you to give concrete examples if you have personal experience as a young entrepreneur and if not share your ideas about how you would go about creating a business/ work opportunities in your local community/ town/ country.


January 11, 2010
- Launch of the Essay Competition
March 16, 2010 - Deadline for submissions
April 30 - Finalists of the essay category announced and winner of the video category announced
May - Final Jury in Stockholm, Sweden (only finalists in the essay category and winner of the video category participate)
May - Award Ceremony during the ABCDE Conference in Stockholm, Sweden


Awards are sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway, the Government of Sweden, and the World Bank.

1. Essay
Eight finalists will participate in the Final Jury in Stockholm, Sweden, in May 2010, and attend the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE).
Money awards:
1st prize: 3,000 USD
2nd prize: 2,000 USD
3rd prize: 1,000 USD

2. Video
Author of the winning video will be invited for a screening at the occasion of the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE), held in Stockholm, Sweden, in May 2010.
Money awards:
1st prize: 2,000 USD
2nd prize: 1,000 USD
3rd prize: 500 USD

The jury reserves the right to modify award amounts based on the number of winning essays / videos selected.

More information :

World Bank Essay Competition Team

Kandank Ilmu Team

Monday, January 18, 2010

Oxfam International Youth Partnership (OIYP) Deadline 12th February 2010

Forwarded from OXFAM

Applications are now being accepted for Oxfam International Youth Partnerships until the 12th February 2010.

For more information visit
For the direct llink to the application form, visit

Please pass this on to any young people (18-25 years old) you know who want to bring about positive change in their communities, are committed to working with others, and want to learn from other young people around the world. We also encourage more than one applicant from each organisation or community group.

What is OIYP?

Oxfam International Youth Partnerships (OIYP) is an Oxfam International initiative, managed by Oxfam Australian since 2000. OIYP strengthens young people’s ability to effect change in their community, and provides a base from which they can influence broader changes through engagement in a global network of over 1100 OIYP Action Partners.

Through a 3 year Program, OIYP will provide opportunities and support for 300 new Action Partners so they may demonstrate leadership and expand the influence of youth for positive changes locally, nationally and globally.

To launch the 2010 – 2013 OIYP Program, Oxfam will host an 8 day Kaleidoscope event in November 2010 in New Delhi, India. At this event, Action Partners are given the opportunity to connect with people across regions and cultures that are facing similar challenges in their own communities. This allows for the chance for a cultural exchange, as well as the exchange of skills and knowledge building and planning on how young people can contribute to changes in their own lives as well as the lives of others in their communities. The following two years includes a variety of online and offline learning and development opportunities including face to face workshops, cultural immersion programs, e-workshops, online discussions and networking opportunities.

For more information about the Oxfam International Youth Partnerships (OIYP) Program, please visit our website

A short video of the last Kaleidoscope event, held in 2007 in Sydney, can be found here -

Who are we looking for?

Every 3 years OIYP goes through a rigorous process of recruiting and selecting a new group of 300 Action Partners. To be eligible to apply, applicants must be aged 18-25, able to speak English or Spanish conversationally and available to attend an 8 day event in November 2010, in New Delhi, India.

Core selection criteria:

· Commitment to finding new ways of working
· Evidence of commitment to positive, equitable and sustainable change
· Ability to explain their own understanding of the issues they’re working on
· A commitment to personal reflection and developing self awareness
· Community or organizational support

OIYP is open to all nationalities, Indigenous and ethnic groups. It is open to young people with any level of education and who live in rural or urban areas. We have a strong focus on the participation of Indigenous young people and those marginalised in their communities.

For the 2010 – 2013 OIYP Program, Oxfam is specifically targeting young people who:

· Are active on gender justice
· From communities impacted by climate change
· Living with a disability
· Using innovative means to influence decision makers (locally or nationally)
· Are from minority Indigenous groups

Applying to be part of OIYP

Application forms in word and PDF format are available by visiting or can be directly found at

Applications will be assessed against selection criteria by Oxfam Australia staff; staff from other Oxfam affiliates; youth partners and current OIYP Action Partners.

Applications close on 12 February 2010.

Applicants will be informed of their selection by mid April 2010. At this point, we will inform successful applicants (Action Partners) of how OIYP will support them to attend the OIYP Kaleidoscope 2010 event. There is a limited scholarship pool which will be allocated to support travel costs for many of the top selected Action Partners. However some Action Partners may be required to fundraise for travel costs, in these cases OIYP will provide support letters and training on fundraising. There is no registration fee for OIYP.

Please feel free to contact the OIYP team if you would like to discuss OIYP further or if you have any specific questions about the application form.

From the OIYP Team

Kandank Ilmu Team

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Informasi Herregistrasi Semester Genap 2009/2010

Berdasarkan informasi yang Kandank Ilmu dapatkan dari situs UNPAD berikut ini informasi seputar herregistrasi semester genap 2009/2010 untuk mahasiswa Universitas Unpad.

Klik gambar untuk melihat lebih lengkap.
Kandank Ilmu Team

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Prepare Yourself : An Opportunity To Attend Youth Forum in Geneva, Switzerland

Kandank Ilmu became partnered with Global Humanitarian Forum Youth Forum (GHF-Youth Forum) to promote Youth Forum 2010.

Global Humanitarian Forum Youth Forum will held a Youth Forum called Young Adults 4 New Results: Youth Forum 2010, will take place from 28 June – 1 July, 2010 at Centre de l’Espérance in Geneva, Switzerland. Please save the date in your calendar, iPhone or just write it on the back of your hand! If you’re not sure what it’s all about and you would like to get a feel of our inaugural annual event, check out Young Adults 4 New Results - Youth Forum 2009!

Apply for Young Adults 4 New Results: Youth Forum 2010

Would you like to attend the Youth Forum 2010? Then please apply to our competition which will be launched February 1st and will close March 1st 2010.

Stay informed and receive updates about the Youth Forum 2010 and the application process through our e-community, e-newsletter, Twitter and Facebook pages!

We will update information about Youth Forum 2010 when online application opens.

Kandank Ilmu Team

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Microeconomics Theory - Chapter 9, 20 & 21

Klik pada salah satu chapter untuk mendownload atau klik tombol Download untuk mendownload semuanya.
Download all (6.77MB) :

Kandank Ilmu Team